
OSBeehives is on a mission to technify the beekeeping industry by building a global network of beekeepers and identifying causes and solutions for colony health deterioration. This mission is founded on the principles of citizen science, open data, and collaboration between beekeepers.

OSBeehives’ integrated hardware and software solutions make use of the latest deep neural network and digital signal processing technologies applied to beehive audio recordings and sensor measurements with the goal of detecting possible hive health problems. All of this can be done remotely and automatically, letting beekeepers know that something is going wrong so they can intervene and possibly save the colony. For example, colonies that are about to swarm have unique audio signatures and temperature changes that we can identify before the swarm itself occurs, giving the beekeeper a chance to capture the swarm or stop it entirely.

BuzzBox: Beehive Monitoring IoT Device
The BuzzBox is a solar-powered, Wi-Fi capable device that transmits audio, temperature, and humidity signals that are automatically analyzed using state of the art AI to predict the health of your hive. It also features theft alarms and an external weather station.

OSBeehives App
The OSBeehives App is a free solution to remotely monitor hive measurements produced with a BuzzBox or any other device. The app also allows to record the sound produced by your beehive and analyze it using the same BuzzBox AI, with lots of exciting new features coming soon.

The Colorado Top Bar & the Barcelona Warre beehives are open source, flat pack, snap fit hives that respect natural beekeeping principles to create ideal conditions for your bees. You can obtain the files for the hives for free in our Open Source page.

Year Established: 2013

Duration: Ongoing

Site: Valldaura Labs, Barcelona, Spain; Broomfield, Colorado, USA

Project Coordinator(s): Aaron Makaruk (CEO), Tristan Copley-Smith (Communications Director), Jonathan Minchin (Designer), Peter Naylor (Developer), Javier Andrés Calvo (CFO), Jeff Thomas (Developer)

Valldaura Labs Director(s): Vicente Guallart, Daniel Ibañez

Green Fab Lab Manager / Technical Coordinator: Michael Salka

Project Partners: OSBeehives, Fab Lab Barcelona, The Unstung Hero, Zambeezi

Website: https://www.osbeehives.com/