FLORA: IAAC build an observatory in Barcelona’s Forest to monitor nature from within
The Forest Lab for Observational Research and Analysis (FLORA) is an advanced and ecological building built in Collserola Natural Park (Barcelona), and developed by a team of students and researchers of the Masters in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities (MAEBB) FLORA is a scientific research facility built with timber from sustainable forest management, allowing a…
Solar Greenhouse
In September of 2021, the 3rd edition of the Masters in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities completed their final thesis project, the Solar Greenhouse, a full-scale prototype that actively aids in the intensive food production efforts at Valldaura Labs. The design has two programs fitting within its maximum volume, and features a heliomorphic roof for...
The Voxel: a Quarantine Cabin
Collserola park appears starkly from the sky as an island of green, surrounded on all sides by the sprawling Barcelona metropolitan area. The park has been accurately referred to as Barcelona's “green lung”, and its dense forest has become home to a truly ambitious project in the realm of ecological architecture. Just as the natural...
Ecohouse V01 Prototype (The Niu Haus)
The Ecohouse V01 Prototype (The Niu Haus) is the collective final project of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia’s (IAAC) 2018-2019 Master of Advanced Ecological Buildings program (MAEB). The program is an immersive experience of learning by living in which students engage with the complete seasonal cycle as residents for 11 months at Valldaura...
Green Book of Biocities
Supported by the Europe Forest Institute (EFI) and in collaboration with a number of organizations throughout Europe and beyond, Valldaura Labs has begun co-authoring the Green Book of Biocities, a seminal text which will define the new paradigm of Biocities and the key strategies to make them a reality. By synthesizing inputs from stakeholders and...
This exhibition was a presentation of various projects completed at the Valldaura Labs Campus of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. The core of this innovative project is a laboratory to promote investigation and set a new benchmark for self sufficiency. The Valldaura Labs represents a new paradigm for sustainability established by IAAC with...